Mondays are seldom warm and fuzzy–unless your boss is tied up in a broom closet and everyone else that contributes to your daily workload is on vacation. But when the first day of the week is strung together with bout after bout of crabby, unsatisfied jerk-offs who don’t give a whit who they step on, my inner dragon fires up the boiler and gets ready for some flamethrower action.
It’s probably because I’m coming off Mommy Weekend euphoria that today’s reentry into workdom sucked more than usual. Still, I couldn’t help wishing there was something as handy as a box of Calgon to fix my sour mood. (My kids and husband are each equally eager to find something to sooth the dragon’s temper.)
So simple. Pour the directed amount in the tub and lay back while your troubles ooze away.
<Snort> Yeah, right. Add my girls crawling into the tub with their Little Mermaid collections and the dryer dinging in the background to remind me I’ve forgotten the whites and you’ll get a more accurate version.
Another random thought…which exhausted female was the inspiration for the Rolling Stone’s, “Mother’s Little Helper”? Need a recap on that one?
So here I sit, kids bathed and fed, laundry folded (but not put up). I’ve got thirty more minutes before it’s time to put them to bed and knock out my minimum word count before I stagger to my own bed.
What do you do to take the first-day-of-the-week edge off? (Without employing sharp objects.) Have you found a way to shake off the sludge? I’ll take all the suggestions I can get.
L. E. Carmichael
March 26, 2013 at 8:02 amIt sounds like the last thing you’d want to do on a Monday, but I exercise first thing in the morning before breakfast. It shakes off the sleep and boosts my energy. Plus, I feel virtuous afterwards, and sometimes a secret sense of superiority is all you need to insulate you from the irritations!
March 27, 2013 at 4:06 amI hate to admit you’re right…especially when it involved a healthy dose of sweat…but this does work. Even at the END of the day.