Uh oh. Trouble’s coming. I can feel it.
I know you know what I’m talking about. One of those “insane” times where you throw the metaphorical crowbar, duct tape, and baby oil you’ve been using to “make life fit” out the window, and start dreaming up all kinds of trouble just so you can claim control of SOMETHING.
Or, maybe you don’t know how this feels. Maybe this is crazy behavior unique to my family tree.
I hope not. ‘Cause frankly, lettin’ loose with a little bit of the unexpected is kinda fun.
My latest flirtation with all things zany began when my wonderful baby sitter/beta reader told me she’d snagged a full-time job. I ignored the harsh reality of her pending last day for an entire weekend before I began the arduous task of posting and interviewing potential replacements. Finding new help is especially hard for me. I’m always terrified I’m going to hire someone who’s going to realize what a lunatic they work for. (Well, a few of them might have figured it out, but they appreciated my lunacy, so it all worked out.)
Then work escalated from annoyingly painful to oh-my-God-I-just-need-two-minutes-to-go-pee busy. Seriously! You’d be amazed how much friendlier I could be if people would move on past my cubicle and save their question for AFTER I finish my calorie-conscious turkey sandwich.
Then the girls had to add a few fun things to the mix. The oldest (AKA Drama Queen) is going on a field trip to an school set back in the 1800’s–which means she has to have real old-fashioned clothes. Long jean skirts are not easy to whip up/find these days. (Thank you, Amazon Prime, for saving my bacon again.) The youngest (AKA Twilight Sparkle Girl) only worked me over by scaring the crap out of me by falling off the highest monkey bar flat on her back at school.
So, yeah. I’m looking for something I can control. Something with a high amount of creativity and satisfaction. Like a new color for my hair. Or starting an entirely new contemporary romance series (writing, not reading), which would (naturally) require a concentrated “research” night with my pals. Or buying a convertible Camaro.
God only knows where I’m going to end up. Maybe I’ll do all three.
What about you? How do you handle stress? Do you counterbalance whatever you have no control over by finding something you CAN control? Or do you settle for chocolate? And/or wine?
Jackie King
September 13, 2013 at 8:51 amOh my dear girl! I remember those days well, even though I’ve struggled to keep them at bay. The joy of being a working mother with a job where you fight off alligators up to your neck, and try to write the Great American Novel at night. A challenge that only the insane would even try, so don’t worry about your family tree. IMO every family is at least somewhat dysfunctional. (After all, we are all human. Well, most of us, anyway.)
I don’t remember how I handled those days. Not very well, I expect. But chocolate definitely fitted into the solution.
September 16, 2013 at 3:26 pmWhy limit yourself to just chocolate. I say welcome ALL desserts. 🙂
Marianna Heusler
September 13, 2013 at 9:59 amI watch television – someone on Lifetime always has a bigger problem – I read fashion magazines, just looking at all those beautiful clothes gives me hope for the future, I eat chocolate, especially Godiva, and I pray. Then I try to think of a solution. I remember a line from Atlas Shrugged – “It’s not so bad, if there is something we can do.”
CJ Burright
September 13, 2013 at 2:50 pmDefinitely go for the convertible! There must be a full moon coming up or something because my week was crazy-stressful too. I went for the cinnamon whiskey and chocolate, but tonight’s all about a bottle of wine and maybe the last True Blood episode where Alex Skarsgard goes Full Monty. Yeah…that’ll do it.
September 13, 2013 at 3:50 pmOMG! Full Monty? No kidding? Oh, hell yeah. That’s a perfect Friday night!
September 16, 2013 at 3:27 pmSo did you watch the episode? I never made it past season 2. Maybe I should rethink my abandonment of the series and catch up on Netflix. (After I finish catching up on Sons of Anarchy of course. Charlie versus Alex? Oh, yeah. Charlie all the way.)
Ashlynn Pearce
September 14, 2013 at 8:37 amControl?! Are you kidding. There is no control in my life. It’s just a wild up and down roller coaster and I’m hanging on for dear life. Can so relate to all your stress, especially about the kids. My oldest is turning 18 in 3 months. *head desk* Scary, that!!
I handle it with a good book, music, and when the Thing will let me, shutting myself up in my office and trying to write. Oh, and a good movie can help too. 🙂
Gretchen Wing
September 16, 2013 at 1:55 pmMostly I handle stress by triage, therefore NOT doing things like blogging. I’m amazed you got this written in the middle of everything. Or maybe blogging’s actually starting to feel a little like a respite? Wouldn’t that be nice!