Today I find myself rehashing one of my most prevalent inner debates: Does everyone else’s mind meander through random, free-flowing thoughts through the course of each day? Or do most people stay on a focused track, processing tasks and ideas in a linear fashion?
I can never really declare a winner in this debate. Sometimes I catch glimpses of “sameness” between my inner-flowerchild and everyone else. The post from Kristen Lamb that I shared on Monday about obsessive tendencies resonated with me, made me feel not so alone. And other writers tell me the voices in my head are perfectly normal and I don’t require medication. So, on one side, yeah…I think I’m not so abnormal.
Then I catch other people casting glances at me from the corner of their eye, a perplexed wrinkled in the center of their brow. I can envision a little cartoon bubble above their head, “Has she lost her ever-lovin’ mind?” Or the ever-popular, “I’m sorry, I thought we were talking about something else.” When I catch these looks, I add another stone to the opposite side of the she’s-an-odd-bird scale.
My life reflects my random thought process.
One time at a job interview, a hiring manager told me, “I have to say, your resume is one of the few I’ve actually read from top to bottom. It’s…interesting.” I think he was being polite:
- Writer
- Radio DJ (Multiple formats, naturally. Everything from hard rock to country.)
- Administrative Assistant
- Skip Tracer
- Debt Collector
- Business Analyst
- Project Manager
- IT Manager
- Real Estate Agent
- Singer/Songwriter
I probably left a few things out and I haven’t hit fifty yet.
Then today at lunch, a friend of mine posted a youtube video that sums up so much about how my life feels:
So, tell me. Is this how your mind/life works? Or have you found a way to cut out all the mousetraps? Do you WANT to cut out all the mousetraps?
I think I’m a bit of both–hellbent on getting across the finish line one minute, then opting for a mousetrap approach the next. Either way, getting there is half the fun.
Coleen Burright
April 4, 2013 at 9:22 pmThat video was fun, fun, fun to watch! Adult-sized mousetrap! How could you not love it?
April 5, 2013 at 5:01 amI know! All I could think was, “I wouldn’t want to have to start over.”