So, remember when I finally fessed-up about my anti-aging attempts? For at least a year I kept my use of Botox and Juvederm pretty close to the vest because...well,…
I’m a cave dweller. Not the anti-social or socially challenged type. I actually crave quality relationships and turn a little neurotic if I go too long without human feedback.…
I had big plans yesterday. Big plans. Not big as in buy-a-new-car kind of stuff, but big as in knocking out high quantities of stuff on the to-do list.…
I’ve been on a French Dip kick lately. Not just a drive-by-Arby’s-to-get-one-every-now-and-then thing, but a I’m-gonna-make-one-every-damned-night thing. It’s so bad, I thought about starting this blog as, “Hello, my…
Gah! It's one of a mother's biggest embarrassments. Right up there with admitting that you're not mother of the year because your kids live on Lean Cuisine and watch…