6 In Release Day/ Writer's Life/ Thoughts & Observations/ Mommy Confessions

Guilty Holiday Confessions

I love the holiday season. Really, I do. But probably not for the same reasons as most.

Yes, I love the music. I enjoy the experience of finding just the right gifts for the people I love, and then holding my breath while they open them to see if they’re pleased.

And food. Lord help me, the whole holiday season wreaks havoc on my caloric discipline…particularly when it comes to baked goods. The term sweet tooth is a ginormous understatement when it comes to all things bakery. Not kidding. One year, I got so caught up in my discovery of cake balls that I ended up with thirteen dozen in the freezer. (That year took a few extra weeks to work off the holiday pounds.)

Yes, I love all of those things. But the thing I love most about the holiday season?

December 26th to January 2nd.

Yep, I hoard those seven (or more if the calendar works in my favor) days like a teenage linebacker guards his place at the buffet line. One year my protective fanaticism actually went so far as to brew a riff between me and an in-law that took a full six months after to smooth over. She couldn’t possibly see what the problem was with me giving up two of my precious days for a road trip to somewhere I didn’t even remotely want to go. Then again, she has no kids and has yet to experience the need for stockpiling lazy days.

On the agenda for my sacred seven days?


Okay, maybe a little something. This year I’m spending a good chunk of that celebrating the release of Unexpected Eden, my first in a four book fantasy romance series. (It’s officially on sale today! Wahooo!!!!)

Besides copious amounts of celebrating, I’ll also spend a day doing returns because, God love him, hubster never can remember my size. And I always sit aside time for writing, but other than that…

Sloth City, baby.

Pajamas. Left overs. Movies I haven’t been able to squeeze in over the past year. Catching up on all the Sons of Anarchy episodes I’ve missed. Books, books, and more books.

So, yes, I wrote today’s blog post before December 26th, but I’m waving to you now from my couch in my flannel PJ bottoms and oversized sweatshirt. You can probably assume that the house is a disaster area and makeup hasn’t graced my face in days.

But I’m deliriously happy.

What about you? How do you spend your holiday stretch? Are you the type to hit the mall first thing the morning of December 26th? Or do you wait out the crowds and go after everyone’s back at work? I’d love to hear your stories below.

Here’s wishing you a killer New Year! And thanks for stopping by!

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  • Reply
    Stacy McKitrick
    December 29, 2014 at 8:55 am

    Shopping? Heaven’s no. Frankly, I hate shopping. All kinds. But the holiday stretch isn’t any different to me than any other week. That’s what happens when you work from home, I guess. Not that I’m complaining.

    Actually, I’m looking forward to getting back into writing. Went on a cruise just before Christmas and then Christmas came. Kind of glad that’s all behind me now (well, except for the cruise part–wouldn’t mind being in warm weather again).

    Enjoy your jammies. And reading! 🙂

    • Reply
      December 29, 2014 at 10:36 am

      Oh, a cruise sounds LOVELY! And I hear you on the writing. This is a great time of year to indulge and (hopefully) wrap up writing lose ends…and start some new ones. 🙂

  • Reply
    CJ Burright
    December 29, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    Seven days of sloth sounds freakin’ glorious! Enjoy your lazy days and HOORAY for release day!! Unexpected Eden popped up on my kindle about 9:00 p.m. last night. Woo-hoo!

    • Reply
      December 30, 2014 at 8:57 am

      Mine downloaded about 5 minutes before I went to bed. Needless to say, it was hard to go to sleep after that. 🙂

  • Reply
    Gretchen Wing
    December 29, 2014 at 5:04 pm

    Excellent. Enjoy that couch! You’ve earned it. Happy New Year!

    • Reply
      December 30, 2014 at 8:56 am

      Happy New Year to you too, Gretchen!

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