In Thoughts & Observations Game Changers – Once You Take The Red Pill You Can’t Go Back March 27, 2014 By Rhenna The red pill. Falling down the bunny hole. Crossing a line in the sand. Words spoken you can't take back. When I first starting learning about the craft of writing,… Continue Reading →
In Midlife Crisis Fodder/ Mommy Confessions OMG – I Did It (The Micro Laser Peel Story) March 21, 2014 By Rhenna So, remember when I finally fessed-up about my anti-aging attempts? For at least a year I kept my use of Botox and Juvederm pretty close to the vest because...well,… Continue Reading →
In Mommy Confessions The Preteen Years – Hello, Personality! March 13, 2014 By Rhenna Finally. An aspect to child rearing I can get excited about. That probably sounds bad, doesn’t it? As a woman—especially one who’s given birth to two beautiful, bright little girls—I’m… Continue Reading →
In Thoughts & Observations Spring Fling Blog Hop! March 7, 2014 By Rhenna Spring! It’s just around the corner and I can hardly wait! And what better way to kick off the season than with a ton of authors offering up all… Continue Reading →