8 In Author Spotlight/ Giveaway/ Writer's Life/ Release Day

New Release & Giveaway Alert – Nightbloom by Juliette Cross


The Nightwing Series

Book 3

Juliette Cross

Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Kensington Publishing

Date of Publication: September 1, 2015

ISBN: 978-161650576-9


Word Count: 36K

I’m super, super thrilled to share news of Juliette Cross’ latest release, Nightbloom! It’s the third and final installment in The Nightwing Series and I absolutely LOVED it! Even better, as a part of her release tour, she’s giving away a $20 Gift Certificate and an ebook copy of book one in the series, Waking the Dragon

Seriously, people…if you enjoy creative, fresh, engaging paranormals with sexy, sexy alphas, you’ll want to grab these books ASAP.

Nightbloom by Juliette Cross

The Back Cover Copy

The love between a human and a Morgon, the dragon-hybrid race, tempts fate once more…

All her life, Ella Barrow has allowed others to make her decisions. Forced to stifle her artistic talents and stay in a loveless relationship with Clayton Kerrington, the man her mother believes to be her perfect match, Ella’s life may be safe—but it’s not her own. Paxon Nightwing, on the other hand, is anything but the safe choice.

A charming and alluring Morgon, Paxon sees Ella for the woman she truly is. His bold confidence and protective nature ignites a passion she’s never felt before. But a dark family tragedy forces their secrecy—until Clayton makes it impossible to hide their clandestine affair. Will Ella be strong enough to fight for herself at last?

Or will she succumb once more and risk losing the only man she’s ever loved?

My Review

I first found Juliette’s work via her Vessel Trilogy and absolutely ripped through the first two. (I’m saving the third for a quiet weekend so I’m not interrupted.) Well, I found out she had another new release coming out 9/1/15 for the last in her Nightwing series and had advance copies available, so I jumped at the chance–and flat out CONSUMED it in one day.

If you haven’t tried this series yet and are hesitant to jump in the middle or at the end, don’t be. I had absolutely no issues “catching up” with the world. And OMG, Paxon!! Yum! And more yum. I think the fact that I read it in one day (despite work and kids) says just how awesome he is as a hero. Watching Ella grow and step into her own through the book was equally gratifying.

Yep, I’m definitely sold and will be picking up the first two in this series…just as soon as I wrap up the Vessel series, of course.

A Peak Inside

I blotted my Petal Pink lips on a piece of memo paper and capped the lipstick.


Trying to retrieve the tube with the tip of my open-toe heel, I only succeeded in pushing the lipstick farther away. “Ugh.”

Unable to bend that far in my pencil skirt, I hiked the hem up to my thighs and crawled on all fours, shimmying my behind, then stretching my arm till my fingers finally gripped my favorite lipstick.

That’s when I heard a low, masculine whistle from someone standing behind me.

Scooting back, I shot off the floor and slid my hemline back to my knee, all under the steady gaze of Paxon Nightwing, silhouetted by the sunlight that filtered into the foyer of Linden and Burke.

Towering above me with jet-black hair and matching sharp-edged wings, wearing a charcoal button-down, black slacks, and a devilish smile, his voice crooned when he spoke. “Now that’s what I call a warm welcome.”

“I, um, well, I…”

He extended a bronzed hand. I reached out with my right, nearly dropping the lipstick again. I shifted it to my left hand. “I like pink.”

I like pink? I like pink! For God’s sake, Ella. How old was I? Five?

His extended hand engulfed mine, then he drew our bodies closer. Grinning wide and stroking his thumb across my knuckles, his melodious voice sounded sultry and sinful.

“So do I.”

I blinked stupidly till my brain started functioning again. He didn’t say a word, mesmerizing me with ridiculously deep brown eyes.

“I’m, uh, Ella Barrow.”

“Paxon Nightwing. Pleasure to meet you. But I think we’ve met before.”

I tugged on my hand. He didn’t let go, tightening his hold.

“Uh, well, I’m friends with Sorcha and Jessen.”


I knew this guy was a player, the kind to make a girl swoon with a glance and charm the pants right off her. Literally. Jessen had even kissed him in a club once. And while his carousing behavior should make me want to run away, I couldn’t forget that Jessen had said on a scale of one to ten, his kiss was a ninety-nine.

He still held my hand, angling his body closer. “I’ve also seen you at the Vaengar games. With Kerrington.”

“Yeah. We’re, um, dating.”

“That’s a shame.”

I tugged again.

He released me. “I have an appointment with Sorcha Nightwing.”

“Yes. I know.”

Pulling myself together, I pressed the comm device on my desk and cleared my throat. “Mr. Nightwing is here.”

“Thanks, Ella. Show him to my office, please.”

Rounding behind the desk, I gestured down the hall. “This way.”

“After you.” A sly grin.

I tilted up my chin, pretending I wasn’t afraid of him, then led him toward Sorcha’s office. I was good at pretending.

As soon as I stepped in front of him, a primal shiver vibrated through my bones.

His eyes were on me. I felt his gaze, as if his gaze were a caress, brushing up my legs, curving over my behind, rounding my hips to the dip of my waist and finally settling on the blond waves that fell past my shoulders. By the time we reached the door to the office, my heartbeat hammered in my throat.

Gesturing for him to enter, I kept my eyes on the floor, trying desperately to regain control. He stopped in front of me, but I held my gaze until I realized I was fixated on his crotch. I jerked my head up. Amusement flickered across chiseled features. He was about to say something, but I didn’t give him the chance. I marched back up the hall to the receptionist area.

Where to Buy It

Amazon     BN    Kobo   Kensington

About Juliette

Juliette calls lush, moss-laden Louisiana home where the landscape curls into her imagination, creating mystical settings for her stories. She has a B.A. in creative writing from Louisiana State University, a M.Ed. in gifted education, and was privileged to study under the award-winning author Ernest J. Gaines in grad school. Her love of mythology, legends, and art serve as constant inspiration for her works. From the moment she read JANE EYRE as a teenager, she fell in love with the Gothic romance–brooding characters, mysterious settings, persevering heroines, and dark, sexy heroes. Even then, she not only longed to read more novels set in Gothic worlds, she wanted to create her own.


Juliette is a multi-published author, including her Nightwing series with Kensington Publishing and The Vessel Trilogy with Samhain Publishing.

The Giveaway


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  • Reply
    September 3, 2015 at 4:32 pm

    Sounds like a really good book and thanks for a chance at the giveaway

    • Reply
      September 3, 2015 at 5:56 pm

      You’re very welcome, Danielle! Juliette is a kick ass author. I have every confidence you’ll love the story.

  • Reply
    September 3, 2015 at 6:15 pm

    Looks like a great read

    • Reply
      September 4, 2015 at 6:29 am

      It is, Liz! Her Vessel series is smoking awesome too!!

  • Reply
    Maria Theresa Santos
    September 3, 2015 at 8:13 pm

    want to read it

    • Reply
      September 4, 2015 at 6:26 am

      It was great, Maria! I’ve already grabbed the first two so I can catch up. 🙂

  • Reply
    Juliette Cross
    September 5, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    Thanks so much, Rhenna, for sharing with your readers. You rock, woman! 😉

    • Reply
      September 5, 2015 at 6:25 pm

      Absolutely! I can’t wait to dig into the first two!

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