6 In Writer's Life/ Thoughts & Observations

Monday Morning Coping Mechanisms

I don’t know many people who look forward to Monday mornings. Maybe those who’re fortunate enough to have realized their dream job or are retired, but the rest of us? We wrestle ourselves to work using any means available.

I’ve got a few coping mechanisms. Nothing strong enough to numb myself completely, but positive enough to help me put one foot in front of the other.

Coping Mechanism #1 – The warm and fuzzy afterglow of the weekend.

Well, usually, there’s the soft and fuzzy afterglow. Sometimes my family and I cram so many makeup activities in to Saturday and Sunday I find myself looking forward to simply sitting down at work. More often than not though, the peace from simply being with my family for a few days ratchets my stress level down to the tolerable bracket so I can get through at least the first few work days.

Coping Mechanism #2 – Music. Really, really loud wake-me-up-and-get-me-going music.

I ditched local radio years ago in favor of commercial free satellite radio and never looked back–which is ironic considering my degree is in broadcasting and I honed my early professional teeth on local market radio. Kinda makes me feel disloyal…for about three seconds. Octane (the Sirius/XM station, not the hydrocarbon) is my latest favorite, especial Grant Random in the morning. Obscenity isn’t restricted on that station and Grant wields four letter words like a master swordsman. Mix that with the awesome tunes and I’m usually pretty stoked by the time I walk in the office.

Coping Mechanism #3 – Focusing on what I want to be when I grow up.

Yeah, I know I’m in my mid-forties. So what? The minute we start to ignore our dreams, a part of us starts to die. At the rate I’m going, I figure I’ll live to be one hundred.

So, on my Monday drive to work (and Tuesday drive, and Wednesday drive, etc.) I imagine the perfect workday I’m striving to create:

  • Get up in the morning.
  • Attire choices will consist of:
    • Pajamas (If not forced to leave the house.)
    • Sweats (If forced to leave the house, but uncaring of who sees me.)
    • Jeans and Rock T-shirts (If I’m out to have fun.)
  • Get kiddos up, dressed, and on the big, yellow limousine.
  • Escape to my office and focus on nothing but those tasks related to writing.
  • Get kiddos off the big, yellow limousine.
  • Enjoy the rest of the day with my family (and, of course, read).

I have a long way to go to make that dream happen. I figure at least ten books on back list. Number one is coming. (Can’t share details yet, but I hope to soon.) Number two is in the grinder, and numbers three and four are queued up on deck.

Now all I need is energy and to keep the day job happy.

What about you? How do you cope with Monday and getting back into the workweek routine?

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  • Reply
    Stacy McKitrick
    April 14, 2014 at 2:20 pm

    Well…I lost my job almost two years ago. Best thing to happen to me! Of course, I’m closer to retirement than you are, but still, it was nice when my husband told me not to worry about finding another job and just write. Now I’m published and hopefully in a few years, will start actually bringing in some money. Probably not as much as I was before, but hey! I’m happy!!

    So Mondays? Well, I still don’t like them. I have to get up and exercise! I don’t do enough of that for sure (since I’m not at work moving around, you know?).

    • Reply
      April 14, 2014 at 6:04 pm

      So, freakin’ jealous. Seriously. But I’m working my way toward joining you…one book at a time. 🙂

  • Reply
    CJ Burright
    April 14, 2014 at 4:21 pm

    Hey – your future work plan looks a lot like MY future work plan. 🙂 Nothing gets me going on Mondays. Nothing. Not multiple cups of coffee, not my favorite music or comfy clothes…it pretty much sucks all around, no matter what I do.

    • Reply
      April 14, 2014 at 6:05 pm

      Well, you know…great minds and all that. 🙂

  • Reply
    gretchen wing
    April 18, 2014 at 9:22 am

    Well, first of all, I LOVE the new look. In fact I’m totally envious & want to steal it. Luckily it doesn’t go with my genre. But congrats to the formatting genius–is it you?
    As to Mondays: commercial-free radio is a MUST. I’m boring and therefore listen to NPR, saving the rock ‘n’ roll for cooking dinner…BUT I feel ya on the no-ads thing. No WAY. And like you, I like to focus on upcoming events, except I keep ’em real accessible, like: “Ooh! Spaghetti for dinner!” or “Next weekend, a dog-walk with my Bestie!” kinda thing. Bottom line: whatever keeps ya going! Kudos for all you manage. Looking forward to that book announcement!

    • Reply
      April 18, 2014 at 9:41 am

      Thanks for the compliment on the new look. Heck no, I didn’t do it. My skills capped out a long time ago. 🙂 I used Atomic Cherry Webdesigns. Awesome work all the way around.

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